4月 20, 2022


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111-0036 東京都台東区 松が谷3-1-13 Mets八番館3階 武藏一族本陣道場 (浅草忍士道場)



つくばエクスプレス 浅草駅から6分

メトロ 銀座線   田原町駅から8分     浅草駅から10分

Tel 090 3691 8165


Article written by Suzak Shibata
Born in Yokohama, Japan as a daughter of Jin'ichi Tetsubunsai (the 18th generation head of the clan) and Kimi (Someya) Shibata. The 17th generation head, Sen'ichi Tatsunojoh, became Christian and ordered the clan to be closed for 50 years after his death. Tetsubunsai operated his workshop as a blacksmith and continued his shinobi samurai training. He stepped down from his post to be succeeded by Suzak in 2006. Suzak and Tetsubunsai appointed Kazuchika Yoneda to assist Suzak as Tohmoku of the clan. Besides being a representative of the clan, Suzak has managed Honjin Dojo Suzaku has been the head interpreter-trainer in the clan. Authored several books for those who study interpreting.